EASY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY FROM HOME-How to achieve spare cash efortlessly!

So in your spare time, maybe you’re watching TV and an ad comes on, or you’re waiting in the rescission room during an appointment, or on the bus waiting to arrive at your destination. You decide you’d like to make use of this time and actually get some free money in the process. Well this how you can do it!
Basically there are many new and upcoming companies that simply want to increase and upscale their customer volume. A technique they use is to offer customers promotional signup bonuses and other awards for joining there service. Many of these companies include online banks, online brokerages, and some advertising companies. Many times they offer a free gift for signing up as well as awards for referring friend's and others to sign up. This is where you can take advantage of these awards and rack up some extra cash while sitting around in your spare time!
Anyhow, I would like to share my method of doing this.
First of all you will need a bank account where all your money from your awards and bonuses will be sent. Typically, what I’ve discovered works best is to actually use one of the free online checking accounts to keep all your award bonus deposits going to. Then when you like you can either have the cash transferred over to your actual personal bank account or just simply use the ATM card that one of the free online banks gave you.
So anyways here are the free online banks you can choose from. One has a signup bonus and the other two only give you the bonus after depositing a check. Regardless there all free and without any fees or any way possible to accidentally overdraw the account. Here’s the list of banks.
  • Current - I recommend Current as they have an instant free $1 reward for signing up
  • Chime $50 reward but requires you to make a deposit
  • SoFi - $75 reward but requires you to make two deposits
The next step after you have selected and opened a free checking account is to open one of the fallowing free online brokerage accounts. The brokerage accounts will give you a free stock for signing up and will typically be worth anywhere from $5 to $200 depending on which stock you were awarded. The only requirement is you have a bank account to link. This is where your free checking account comes in. Simply signup with the brokerage and link your free checking account with them to receive the free sock award. You’re then welcome to sell the stock and transfer the money to your checking account to spend at your own leisure. Or if you choose to do so, you can hold on to the stock and sell it in the future. Or you can also trade the stock for one that pays a dividend. But that’s another strategy that I will have to explain at another time.
Anyway, you will want to sign up for all of these brokerages and link them with your free checking account as they all give you a $5 - $200 award each for signing up. That's a minimum of $16 regardless and a possible maximum or $601 for signing up with these services. And best part is theirs no fees or any way possible to overdraw. Here's the list of free online brokerages.
  • FirsTrade - Link your account and get an instant free stock worth $5 - $200
  • Robinhood - Link your account and get an instant free stock worth $5 - $200
  • WeBull - Link your account but must deposit $5 in order to get the free stock worth $5 - $200
The first two are going to be your go-to brokerages as they don't require any deposit to get the free stock. Once you've got your free money with the first two you can transfer $5 to the WeBull brokerage and get your free stock with them as well. But all in all none of this should ever require you depositing a anything as its all completely free as a promotional bases for these companies. The only catch you will notice is that it takes 3-5 business days between transactions. This is due to being how the company's are free and giving out money in the first place. This is again another subject I'm not going to go into at the moment and would have to explain the concept later. But otherwise thanks and enjoy the free cash! I wish you the best luck with your awards and hope you get the larger ones! Remember this will earn you a minimum of $16 but most likely be in the range of $35 to $140. Maximum being $601. All your doing is signing up. No surveys or anything, usually only takes a couple minutes each and that's it. Anyways thanks and take care!
