My top 3 advises to handle the craziness.

Hi guys,
With the crisis going on in the world right now, I wanted to check in with you and see how you all are doing. A lot of people have completely given up on their 2020. Heck, a lot of people have just given up completely... And I don’t want that to be you guys. Even though these are crazy times - there is a way through. And the good news is, you’re in full control of it.
Here are 3 simple but powerful steps you can take to stay in control, get ahead, and thrive.
1) Protect Your Health + Boost Your Immune System
Your health should be your biggest priority. So make sure you’re protecting yourself by washing your hands and keeping your distance if you have to go in public. Also make sure to boost your immune system. The stronger your immune system is, the better. Here are some ways you could boost your immune system:
• Get more sleep
• Keep a good diet
• Take vitamins and nutrients
• Meditate to reduce stress
• Do some physical exercise
2) Get Ready To Take Advantage Of Major Opportunities
With every crisis comes an equally big opportunity. And while so many are still in panic, you could be getting ready... In fact, if you stay focused now, who knows. Overwhelming success could be right around the corner. But if you don’t know what’s out there - you could miss out. That’s why I’m always looking to learn more. Always asking myself, “what could I be missing that could take me to that next level?”
Because once you find out what you’re missing, everything becomes easier.
3)Start Taking Massive Action
Once you’ve got clarity on what you’re missing. Then you need to take action. Maybe you realized you’re missing an online course… Or maybe you realized you’re missing a powerful business connection... Whatever it is, once you know what you’re missing… you’ll be able to go out, take action, and get it.
Stay safe and healthy guys. Cya around. 
