| WIN Token Structure

I wrote an initial first impressions post on 2 months ago and finally had some time dig in a bit deeper understanding of the token structure. This is how it all works.
The Platform offers different games and has different dapp tokens (DICE, LIVE & RAKE). These tokens can only be mined by playing the games and can't be sold for as far as I know. Owning these tokens gives daily dividends from the games that give out these tokens. the WIN token can be bought and traded and gives daily dividends from all the games.
  • WIN: The main token Gives Dividends from All Games.
  • DICE: Mined by playing the Dice, Moon, Ring & Duel Games and paying out dividends from these games.
  • LIVE: Mined by playing Slots, Table Games, Live & Sports and paying out dividends from these games.
  • RAKE: Mined by playing Poker and paying Dividends from it.
    I'm not a fan of "play-to-mine" to earn dividends and see it mostly as a Ponzi structure model which is bound to collapse at some point (Unless the rate is flat and coins are also burned). It does, however, create a lot of action and gets players to bet which is nice in particular for Poker which is the only game that can mathematically be beaten on wink. I do like a structure where you can own part of the Casino/sportsbook and get dividends from earnings paid out based on the volume/earnings the house makes (Similar to what SBET does).
    This only when it is done in a responsible way and I'm not sure if this is the case for Wink. To start off, there is a total supply of ~ WIN with only 20% of that being in circulation. From what I read in the Whitepaper, nearly all of them will come into circulation by July 2021 which seems quite crazy. Most of them will be assigned to "Platform Development", "Ecosystem, "Team", "Partnerships" and there is also a monthly airdrop to TRX holders. 
As much as I like the fact that the platform has quite some active gamblers, provides some active poker tables with very soft opposition and has a listing on Binance, I doubt I will get invested in the WIN token given the increase in supply over the next year. I did get 1 Million WIN Freezing them to get the TRX Dividends and will do the calculations on those next week.
